The Gould Cooksey Fennell Blog

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Tax Focused Reasons to Consider Gifting (from the Federal Tax Perspective)

Lifetime gifting can be a valuable part of any efficient estate plan, especially for taxable estates. Though there are many benefits to transferring assets during your life (in addition to having assets pass at your death), itโ€™s also important to consider the associated risks and how gifting could impact your current estate plan. In this video, estate planning and tax attorney Rachel Falknor discusses tax-focused reasons to consider gifting, from a Federal tax perspective.

Gould Cooksey Fennellโ€™s Estate Planning & Tax Group provides comprehensive estate and tax planning services to high-net-worth individuals and families. The lawyers and non-lawyer professionals in this group have decades of experience providing creative, customized solutions to address the complex needs of their clients. The world of estate planning and tax is complex and requires a personalized plan. Before making a transfer of assets, contact the attorneys at Gould Cooksey Fennell to discuss your intended gift.

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